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What is the "Make Something New" Project?


This project is inspired by a keynote speech I heard by Kelly Hines during the Discovery Education's Fall Virtual Conferencence in 2013. In her words, we all spend a little too much time pinning ideas on Pinterest and not enough time following up and actually making the "things" we are pinning. For many reasons this project is a great idea, and until I watched my students present their projects, I did not know half of those reasons. Below are the parameters for the "Make Something New" project, but in reality, there are no parameters. In truth, the student's imagination is the only limit. The goal is for the child to choose something new they want to do or learn and go after it. Shouldn't we all do this? Thank you Kelly Hines, for this wonderful idea, and for mentoring me along the way in our National Collaboration Google Hangouts to discuss this wonderful project. This site is dedicated to you. I hope you can share it with many teachers and they have the opportunity to do this wonderful project with their students.

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